Play big in the big moments because that’s who you really are.

Play big in the big moments because that’s who you really are

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Hi this is Mike Lipkin. I’m in Toronto and it’s October 7 2013.

Last Saturday, we spoke to 2400 representatives of WFG at the Roy Thompson Hall in downtown Toronto. It is an iconic venue designed to bring out the best in everyone who performs there. I brought my best self to the presentation because it was truly a marquis event. Seriously, I actually spoke with a cutout of me on the stage.

Strangely enough, having Mike Lipkin on stage with me was enormously reassuring. It reminded me of who I was and what I could be. It brought both comedy and clarity to my presentation. No other speaker was bold enough or crazy enough to replicate himself on stage. The audience expressed their delight and their response motivated me to play even bigger.

And just before you think I’m nuts, think about your best performances. Think about those times when you truly brought the heat. Think about the power you felt. Think about the impact you made. Think about the results you achieved. Think about the pride you felt. Think about the possibilities you created. Think about the growth you experienced.

Now, imagine if you could produce that kind of performance on demand. Imagine if you could connect with your inner superpower whenever the situation demands it. How much more confident would you feel? How many more challenges would you take on? How many more successes would you enjoy? How many more people would you inspire?

I’m talking about growing in direct proportion to the opportunities facing you because that’s what it takes to thrive. Playing small is easy. It’s the path of least resistance. It produces small results. It betrays your gifts. It also becomes a habit. And that’s when you watch other people achieve their dreams at your expense.

Today, choose to play big in the big moments because that’s who you really are. Remember that this is your life and only you can make it extraordinary. You are the star. Everyone else is merely a supporting actor.

Here is Mike Lipkin’s playbook for playing big in the big moments (and by the way, there are no small ones):

  1. Know your talent. Understand what you can be best in the world at. In my case it’s motivational speaking. I hope you’ve noticed.
  2. Develop your talent rigorously. Every day is an opportunity to grow your skills. Study the theory. Observe the masters. Take the courses. Talk to the experts. Find the coaches. The insights and resources are all around you. Access them and practice them.
  3. Heighten your awareness. See yourself through others’ eyes. Recognize who you are being. Appreciate the impact you’re having. Remind yourself to play big when you’re tempted to play small.
  4. Expect resistance. The bigger you become, the more resistance you encounter. The stakes are greater and so are the risks. There will be pushbacks and setbacks. That’s the price of growth. Be willing to pay it. It’s the best investment you can make. Every experience is another deposit on your development.
  5. Search for scary situations. The best way to conquer your fear is to run towards it. Find opportunities to do the thing that frightens you if it is also the thing that will help you play big. In my case, it’s creating this video. It’s talking to an audience of 2500 people. It’s pitching new clients. It’s writing new books. It’s practicing every insight I’m sharing with you today.
  6. Deliver a big promise. Be generous. Success equals results minus expectations. Only promise what you can deliver but be ambitious in what you can deliver. If you build a reputation as someone who always exceeds expectations, a lot more people will bring you a lot more opportunities.
  7. Be joyful. Make friends. Make it a pleasure to be around you. Make sure they know how happy and privileged you feel to be with them. Celebrate them. No matter what your feelings, turn on the lights so you can light up everyone around you.

That’s it. Remember, life is a stage so play like your life depends on it. This is Mike Lipkin and I look forward to hearing about your performance soon.