How is 2008 going for you? For me, it’s been the fastest year of my career. So much is happening, with so many people, in so many time-zones, I feel like I’m being obliterated in the blur. Sound familiar? If you’re like any one of the 50,000 people to whom I’ve spoken this year, you’re in a race against the clock and the clock is winning.
So what’s the silver bullet? How can you slow down long enough to breathe and focus on what’s important?
Stay tuned, join the conversation, discover, contribute your own insights and even engage in dialogue with other “Preeminences” here in the Circle of Preeminence.
I look forward to our next meeting…
Great- can’t wait to read more, hear more and be more.
Just read Fire and Water!
I had the pleasure of attending your eHealth 2008 presentation in Vancouver, B.C. It was fantastic!!!
We are all unique yet there are many like you Mike buzzing around the globe like a silver bullet.
To me its a reminder that all those “little convesations” on planes with strangers can make a “big difference” in keeping ourselves and others motivated.
Looking forward to bumping into you on a plane
Thanks for your insiprations….dont stop!!
I got rid of the clock along time ago (I haven’t worn a watch in 10 years) and realized there is no race but the one we create in our heads. Since I have stopped racing against time I have been more successful and have accomplished much more in my life. I am more satisfied going with the flow and what comes into my life. Try it.
its time for all of us to stop complaining about what we dont have, and focusing on what we have to give!!
I feel fear everyday; I am tired even when I get 7 hours sleep. The world is violent and poisoned by the incessant bombardment of commercialism, keeping everyone’s focus off of the real issues. However, I continue to find ways to explore life and get excited about possibilities as long as I get my fix of you (Mike). Whenever I find myself getting cynical, I pop in my Keeper of the Flame CD. It feeds my soul and helps me beat down the apathy and depression. I find life is a constant battle. I continue to strive for understanding, compassion and inclusiveness. We people of the world are so much alike but are driven apart by fear and propaganda. I am thankful to have your positive attitude and messages to help me keep my flame burning bright. I just ordered One Life One Meeting and can’t wait to hear what you have to say.
Mike you just continue to inspire me…
How I do envy your incredable energy level 🙂
On being retired now ~ I travel at a more relaxed pace ~ Stopping to ~ share and smell many more ‘Roses’… …
Keep healthy my friend. Here’s wishing you many more happy and safe journeys ~ with the smoothest of happy landings!
Cheers! Brenda :^)
Well Mike, the first part of your paragraph actually scared me. Has Mike actually fallen to his personal depths of despair, has he fallen prey to the stress and fatique trap that envelopes so many of us or has he just “mildly medicated” himself on one of his trans-Atlantic flights and is not fully lucid?
I was encouraged when I read on and realized that this was a grand set-up for us to continue reading to find our relief. Well done and continue your fine work that has helped so many. Bravo to you and acknowlege your success with thanks for the writing, inspiration and for your personal focus. May we all learn to be more positive, more inspirational and a bit more focused!
You are still mesmerizing! Congrats from Boston. I look forward to telling my sons about you one day.
Proud and energetic wife/mommy,
hI mike
thanks so much for all your inspiring words i have had the most
amazing life, am single but i am a Reg Nurse, and have had
the opportunity of working in differrent countries, now the US
i spent the year in phoenix, but phoenix is desert, and i sort
of got engulfed by it, it almost swallowed me, but it spat me out
and now am in poughkeepsie up state new york,
my thing is i go with the wind, and the wind is G-ds hand
guiding me through life and also i am so alert at the opportunities
thrown our way
have a wonderful weekend
regards to Hilary and your kids, who must be big
i was at the Park lane when you had your twins a long time ago
warm regards